Tortilla Street Food

Tortilla Street Food

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Tortilla is the premier Mexican Street Food Truck of Columbus! We apply high standards of food quality, great service and a unique experience to create only the best for you. We take the fast casual experience of fresh authentic Mexican street food to a whole new level.
Tortilla was recently featured in The Columbus Food Truck Cookbook
Available now at As a twenty-one-year-old Bolivian native, Walter Eguez left family and friends in Santa Cruz and took a chance on the American dream in Columbus, Ohio. Starting off by securing his first restaurant job and then putting himself through college while working to become an entrepreneur, Walter recalled, “Moving to a new country was intimidating and stressful, but it caused me to push myself in ways I never thought possible.” Paying homage to his upbringing, he knew he wanted to follow in his mother’s footsteps by graduating college and owning his own business. The restaurant aspect ran through his blood, too, with his grandmother owning her own restaurant back home and being a fantastic cook of many classic Bolivian dishes, including Walter’s favorite: grilled steak. He fondly recalled, “When you went to grandma’s house, you never left hungry!” Get Tortila’s recipe for Chipotle Adobo Sauce in The Columbus Food Truck Cookbook.
Learn more about and purchase The Columbus Food Truck Cookbook and Trailer Food Diaries at